SAP License:如何修改屏幕
To make the field invisible, proceed as follows: 1. Transaction code: SE51 2. Program: SAPLFDCB 3. Screen Number:0150 4. _selectradio button: Attributes 5. Click on change 6. Next, click on Element List tab then display attributes tab 7. Check the bo…
SAP License:屏幕变式的定义
Z001 基本数据屏幕FB50 SAPMF05A Z002 明细屏幕FB50 SAPMF05A Z003 行项目屏幕 SAPLFSKB Z004 基本数据FB60 SAPLFDCB Z005 付款条件屏幕FB60 SAPLFDCB Z006 明细屏幕FB60 SAPLFDCB ZCJ40_0200 成本计划 SAPMKBUD ZCJ40_0300 成本控制范围 SAPLSPO4 ZCJ40_0320 资金计划-工程合同 SAPLKBPP ZCJ41_0200 显示资金计划-工程合同 SAPMKB…