Types of SAP Named-User Licenses
Types of SAP Named-U
er Licenses
SAP offers various Named User Licenses, each designed for specific roles within an organization. Understanding these different types of licenses is crucial for managing SAP Licensing costs and ensuring compliance.
A Developer Named User License is designed for individuals involved in software development activities.
This includes tasks such as coding, testing, and debugging. Developers often need Access to a wide range of SAP software functionality, making this license one of the most comprehensive.
A Professional Named User License is designed for individuals who perform operational-related and system administration roles.
This includes configuring and managing the SAP system, performing business processes, and generating reports. Professionals often need access to a wide range of SAP software functionalities, making this license one of the most comprehensive.
Limited Professional
A Limited Professional Named User License is designed for individuals with limited operational roles. This includes tasks such as data entry, viewing reports, and performing specific business processes.
Limited Professionals have Access to a subset of SAP software functionality, making this type of license less comprehensive than the Professional Named User License.
An Employee Named User License is designed for individuals who perform basic tasks such as viewing reports and entering data.
Employees can access a limited range of SAP software functionality, making this license type less comprehensive than the Professional and Limited Professional Named User Licenses.
Employee Self-Service (ESS)
An Employee Self-Service (ESS) Named User License is designed for individuals who perform self-service tasks such as viewing their data, submitting time-off requests, and accessing payroll information.
ESS users have Access to a minimal range of SAP software functionality, making this license one of the least comprehensive.
Worker User
A Worker User Named User License is designed for individuals who perform specific operational tasks such as data entry and report viewing.
Worker Users have Access to a limited range of SAP software functionality, making this type of license less comprehensive than the Professional and Limited Professional Named User Licenses.
Logistics User
A Logistics User Named User License is designed for individuals who perform logistics and supply chain management tasks.
This includes managing inventory, processing orders, and planning deliveries. Logistics Users have Access to a specific range of SAP software functions related to logistics and supply chain management.
Management Self-Service User (MSS)
A Management Self-Service User (MSS) Named User License is designed for managers who perform self-service tasks such as approving time-off requests, viewing team data, and generating reports. MSS users can Access a specific range of SAP software functions related to management tasks.
Project User
An SAP Project user is named with limited usage rights, including project management and collaboration rights.
Read Only
A Read Only Named User License is designed for individuals who only need to view data and reports. Read Only users have Access to a minimal range of SAP software functionality, making this license one of the least comprehensive.
Service User
A Service User Named User License is designed for individuals who perform specific service tasks such as processing service requests, managing service contracts, and tracking service performance.
Service Users have Access to various SAP software functions related to service tasks.
SAP 指定用户许可证的类型
SAP 提供各种指定用户许可证,每个许可证都是为组织内的特定角色设计的。了解这些不同类型的许可证对于管理 SAP 许可成本和确保合规性至关重要。
这包括编码、测试和调试等任务。开发人员通常需要访问广泛的 SAP 软件功能,这使得该许可证成为最全面的许可证之一。
这包括配置和管理 SAP 系统、执行业务流程和生成报告。专业人员通常需要访问广泛的 SAP 软件功能,这使得该许可证成为最全面的许可证之一。
有限的专业人员可以访问 SAP 软件功能的子集,这使得此类许可证不如专业人员指定用户许可证全面。
员工可以访问有限范围的 SAP 软件功能,因此此许可证类型不如专业人员和有限专业人员指定用户许可证全面。
员工自助服务 (ESS)
员工自助服务 (ESS) 指定用户许可证专为执行自助服务任务(例如查看数据、提交休假请求和访问工资单信息)的个人而设计。
ESS 用户只能访问最小范围的 SAP 软件功能,这使得该许可证成为最不全面的许可证之一。
Worker User Named User 许可证专为执行特定操作任务(如数据输入和报告查看)的个人而设计。
辅助角色用户可以访问有限范围的 SAP 软件功能,因此此类许可证不如 Professional 和 Limited Professional 指定用户许可证全面。
管理自助服务用户 (MSS)
管理自助服务用户 (MSS) 指定用户许可证专为执行自助服务任务(如批准休假请求、查看团队数据和生成报告)的经理而设计。MSS用户可以访问与管理任务相关的特定范围的SAP软件功能。
SAP Project 用户具有有限的使用权限,包括项目管理和协作权限。
只读指定用户许可证专为只需要查看数据和报告的个人而设计。只读用户只能访问最小范围的 SAP 软件功能,这使得此许可证成为最不全面的许可证之一。
SAP GRC权限合规检查系统(简称AMS-R系统)是SAP ERP应用企业进行权限合规检查、违规数据抓取和IT审计的理想工具。
AMS-V SAP License 资产优化管理系统产品:是应用于SAP系统权限风险控制及注册用户账号管理为目标的SAP软件资产精益化管理方案。
SAP 日志堡垒机安全管理系统(简称AMS-L系统)是一款面向SAP ERP 系统的网络安全管理工具,提供基于SAP系统用户业务行为的常态化监管,是对SAP现有日志体系的有效增强管理。
SAP 运维管理平台系统(简称AMS-Ops)旨在确保企业SAP应用系统健康、稳定运行的基础上,持续性的改进、优化,从而满足其业务发展需要的企业级SAP系统运维管理服务。
AMS SAP 商超订单统一管理系统以商超平台订单集中管理为核心,系统支持多平台、多店铺、全渠道系统采购订单、验收单、结算单等业务单据的统一管理;商超订单统一管理系统支持与 SAP ERP 系统的无缝衔接,在SAP ERP系统中自动生成销售订单、外向交货单,核对验收单、结算单等 SD 模块业务操作,有效的简化企业商超订单管理工作流程,保证订单数据处理的统一、准确、高效,实现跨系统、组织的协同管理,提升企业营销效率。
河南赛锐信息科技有限公司(简称“赛锐信息”)是一家致力于SAP ERP系统应用的服务商,公司立足打造基于AMS产品套件的企业信息化解决方案,结合前沿技术追求最佳用户体验、企业信息化优秀解决方案和企业级产品应用的供应商。公司自主研发的AMS系列软件产品是国内首个用于SAP权限风险识别的增强系统,也是同行业用户精益化管理解决方案中最优的解决方案,作为用户管理、风险规避和信息审计的辅助工具,其有助于规范企业的管理行为,帮助建立合规的管控流程,有效提高企业IT资产投资回报率;AMS系列产品在各项技术指标上拥有完全的、独立的领先优势,可以满足市场竞争、技术许可和标准制定等方面的需要。
作者:SAP权限管理 QQ:2651000673